1. 一切体育为大众
all sports for all people
2. 举办运动会
hold a sports meet
3. 运动项目
sports events
4. 因体育精神赢得赞誉
win praise for sportsmanship
5. 参加马拉松赛跑
run a marathon
6. 全马/半马/四分马
full/half/quarter marathon
7. 健康与健身
health and fitness
8. 去体育场观看足球比赛
go to the stadium to watch football matches
9. 观看拳击/羽毛球/足球比赛
watch a boxing/badminton/soccer match
10. 打羽毛球
play badminton
11. 了解…
learn about…
12. 而不是,代替(介词)
instead of (doing) sth
13. 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
come along
14. 去滑雪
go skiing
15. 参加(take)...
take part in...
16. 与某人一起(做某项活动)
join sb in (doing) sth
17. 举办奥运会
host the Olympic Games
18. 住在寄宿家庭
live/stay with a host family
19. 田径爱好者
track and field lovers
20. 了解/不了解...的动态
keep/lose track of....
21. 在健身房锻炼
work out at a/the gym
22. 擅长体操
be good at gymnastics
23. 可以做到;准时到达
make it (tosp)
24. 减肥/增肥
lose weight/put on weight
25. 建议使用动感单车
recommend/suggest using the spin bike
26. 由某人决定(做某事)
It's up to sb (to do sth)
27. 精通/掌握一门外语
master a foreign language
28. 为某人树立榜样set an example for sb
set sb an example
29. 为某人带来荣誉
bring honor and glory to sb
30. 做某事是某人的荣幸
It's one's honor to do sth
31. 因为做某事而感到荣幸
feel honored to do sth
32. 为了纪念某人
in one's honor/in the honor of sb
33. 为...争光
win glory for...
34. 最好的球员之一
one of the best players
35. 在奥林匹克运动会上赢得一枚金牌
win a gold medal in the Olympics
36. 赢得冠军
win a championship
37. 成为冠军
become a champion
38. 有决心做某事
have the determination to do sth
39. 决心做某事
be determined to do sth
40. 破裂;破碎;崩溃
fall apart
41. 严重受伤
be/get badly injured
42. 伤员
the injured
43. 作为教练/队长
as a coach/captain
44. 丧失信心;泄气
lose heart
45. 面对困难/一个巨大的挑战
face difficulties/a big challenge
46. 通力合作
work together as a team
47. 时间似乎停滞了。
Times seemed to stand still.
48. 作为...而闻名
be known as...
49. 成功的秘诀
the secret to success
50. 优美的动作与跳跃
graceful moves and jumps
51. 增强体力
build up your strength
52. 从失败中学习
learn from failure
53. 与某人分享...
share sth with sb
54. 放弃;投降
give up
55. 为...竞争
56. 与...竞争
compete against/with...
57. 讲得通;有道理
(sth) make sense
58. 弄明白;理解...
(sb) make sense of..
59. 做某事是明智的
It makes sense to do sth
60. 感觉到;意识到某人正在做某事
sense sb doing sth
61. 说出你对...的看法
voice your opinion (on sth)
62. 同意某人的观点
agree with sb/one's opinion/what one said
63. 体育精神比获胜更重要。
Good sportsmanship is more important than winning.
64. 假装做某事
pretend to do sth
65. 即使;虽然
even if/though
66. 数百万;大量
millions of...
67. 考试作弊
cheat at the exam
68. 少数/大量观众
a small/large audience
69. 对...持积极/消极的态度
be positive/negative about...
70. 保持身材苗条
keep slim
71. 节食
go on a diet/be on a diet
72. 保持平衡的膳食
keep a balanced diet
73. 对...(没)有作用或影响
make no/little/a difference (to sb/sth)
74. 而不是
rather than
75. 做(30个)俯卧撑
do (30) push-ups
76. 把...加到...上
77. 停止做(或使用、食用);删除;剪下...
cut out smoking and drinking
cut out the first sentence
cut out a picture from the newspaper
78. 有时;偶尔;时不时的
now and then?
from time to time
once in a while
at times
79. 与…比较
80. ...被比作...
be compared to...
81. 与...比起来
compared with/to...
82. 慢跑锻炼
go jogging/go for a jog
83. 列出...(清单)
make a list of...
84. 与...有共同点
(have something) in common with...
85. 与...相似
be similar to...
86. 在压力下
under stress
87. 承受/应对/减少压力
suffer from/deal with/reduce stress
88. 出了差错
made an error
89. 语法/拼写错误
grammar/spelling errors
90. 在...中起着有价值的作用
play a valuable role in...
91. 做某事没有用
there is no use doing sth
92. 最后;最终
in the end
93. 识破;看穿
see through...
94. 与...对打;打比赛
play against...
95. 生活中重要的一部分
an important part of life
96. 英语口语/书面语
spoken/written English
97. 依某人看来
in one's opinion
98. 做一个关于...的调查
do/make a survey on...
99. 符合学生的兴趣和需求
...fit students' interests and needs
100. 十分之三;十中有三
three out of ten
three in ten
101. 攀岩爱好者
rock climbers
102. 攀岩运动
rock climbing
103. 把...雕刻成...
104. 尝试(做...)
have a go (at doing sth)
105. 与...沟通;交流
interact with...
106. 做某事是值得的
It is worthwhile doing/to do
107. 极限运动
extreme sports